Monday, July 26, 2010

The Mormance's

The Mormance's got here on Friday!
It has been a blessing for our family to have them here.They're like family to us.When my mom went to Kriz Matt and Sharon made a delicious meal.It's been fun playing with Eliana their 17 month old girl.She likes to pet the puppy (Scout) and look at the fishy (fish).Like I said before they're are a blessing to our family.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

English camp

We had so much fun at camp!
But this year I had a Job!I was the BABYSITTER!It was a lot of fun with the boy's.Caleb and Luke played very good together.I think my favorite thing was playing with water and going to the
restaurant and drinking ice tea while the boys played on the playground.