Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New hair cut!

 I got a new hair cut! Yay!!! So what do you think should my next hair cut be long or short?

They grow so fast!

So, I have a little brother Luke who is very brave smart and adventures. He is always trying new things and doing "manly" thing all the time. Sometimes he does the most  craziest things  that I think he is going to break something. And today was no exception. Luke decided he wanted to roller blade because we just got asphalt on are driveway. But the past few days it has been raining but it finally stopped so Luke got on his new roller blades (they actually were very old because they were mine when I was his age) and all a hundred pads and set of with our dad. He was very quick to learn and it was nice because I got to see the hole thing.
Here are some pictures:

He fell down a lot of times but not once cried, just smiled and kept going

He got going very fast (sorry its blurry)

even Blake came out with the family

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So many cords!!!

Just finished working on my newest video and went to upload it but I couldn't find the cord! So I started to look and look. But were ever I looked I could not find it! After a long, long, LONG time I found 7 different cords that looked very similar to mine but non of them fit!!!!! Ahh!!! I am about to loose it! So sorry until I find it I can't put the video on. So you might have to wait for pictures and videos until I have found it.  Thanks for waiting!
