Monday, June 24, 2013

Rebecca got her braces off!

This is what Rebecca looked like exactly one year, 5 months and 11 days ago, before she got a new look (braces)!
 Luckily for Rebecca, she looked awesome in braces! Yes, looked awesome but just a few days ago Rebecca went to the orthodontist and got them removed. So here is a picture of how Rebecca currently looks like.
Well that actually depends on when you are reading this because she might look like this by that time:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Patty's new garden

We finely have a garden! A real "Americaney" garden that has pumpkins, sunflowers, watermelon, cucumbers and wild flowers. Thanks to our wonderful grandparents who brought the seeds when they came to visit us.

My pumpkin.  You might notice that there is a rip in one of my leaves, that is because there was  a huge hail storm and a piece went right through my leaf. :( But it is slowly recovering.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Trip to Turkey

Maybe you have heard maybe you haven't but last week I went to Turkey! It was an amazing experience. It was also my first time in a Muslim country. You might be wondering why I even went. I went there for a type of exchange student program thingy called Comenius. Basically 8 kids from Turkey last year in May for a week and we did things here and then this year 8 kids from my school went to Turkey and stayed at there house. Cool thing about this exchange program was that it was totally free and I wasn't the only one there but I was almost always with my schoolmates and it wasn't to long. There were things that I loved about Turkey such as: how hospitable, there warm weather, the sea, amazing land marks, there food was absolutely amazing (well most of it), very welcoming ... and so on and so forth. But I couldn't help but noticed the lack of cross walks, clean water, "normal" bathrooms, stop lights, clean flours, bus schedules ... and a few other things. Though I love Turkey and the people in it, it would be very hard for me to move there. The transition for Slovenia to Turkey is ... huge. There way of life is a so different than in Slovenia. Don't get me wrong its not bad there it just different and i really did like it there. But when the week was up I didn't feel bad about going home to normal bathrooms and drinkable water and comfy beds. I am thankful to the Lord that I could have gone and if i had to do it again I would.
This is Buket. I stayed at here house when I was there. She was very nice host and here family is SO sweet!

Inside a Muslim church. We had to take are shoes off ... I am so glad we don't have to do that in our church! Man, isn't God good!
This is one o the many Turkish girl I met at there school who came up to me about 10 times a day. She was so sweet and nice! One day she even gave me some flowers. How nice is that! It was pretty funny thought we were like celebrities there. People were asking to take pictures with us the asked for our signatures on there arm and on paper they wanted to say hi and tell us who they were! It was a little scary but also awesome.

Leaving beautiful Istanbul and on my way to Tarsus.
Well that's about it. I am so thankful that I could have gone and it will definitely be a fun story to tell my kids!  I have some more pics on instagram under #triptoturkey, and if your not folowing me do it right now my name is kgpatty! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bonjour Paris! Day 3

And finally day three of the Bonjour Paris collection!
 Again it was fabulous! If you can't remember what was in my last blog post let me refresh your memory, for day 1 we went to The Louvre, Notre dame and pizza-hut and day 2 was Disney land! (if you haven't read it yet click here for day 1 or click here for day 2).
And today we have the Eiffel tower! Oh yeah, I have been there and I don't think I need to say how AWESOME it was like the whole trip has been.

So Wednesday morning we got up and drove to the Eiffel Tower. We waited in line for wait seemed like ages. But to make time fly my mom read us some really cool facts about the tower. When we were getting close to the entrance they said that nno more people can come on and they don't know how long it will take until  more people can get on. What?!? We waited here for almost 2 hours and now we have to wait more!?! Come on! So we started to pray. And sure enough in about 5 minutes it opened up. Yay!!! later that night we were thinking and reliesed we never really stopped and said thank you to the Lord for helping us in that situation. And right then we stopped and thanked him for this awesome vocation and for letting us get to go on the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible. Well all that to say we are very Thankful to have had a amazing day like that. Well enough bla-bing Lets get to the fun part ... PICTURES! :)

And here they are:

Before we went on the Eiffel tower

On the top floor (mom stayed on the 2nd flour)! It was so cold!!!

My beautiful Sister Rebecca
And my crazy but brave brother Luke

On the way down we decided to take the stairs so we can say we did! And I do not regret it! On the way down we took a little stop and watched the sun set. And took more pictures:

After that we had a nice picnic in are car and watched Eiffel Tower light up and sparkle

And on the way home we went around the acte de triomphe and the drivers are CRAZY!!!  If my dad wasn't such a good driver I don't know how we would make it out alive. Thank you Dad for your awesome and God for keeping us a live!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bonjour Paris! Day 2

If you are reading this you have probably read my last post, but if you haven't you should check it out.  So last school break my family and I went to Paris. In my last post (Bonjour Paris! Day 1) I wrought about The The Louvre, Notre-dame and pizza-hut! You have probably already guessed that it was AWESOME! ON today's schedule is ... drum roll pleas! .... DISNEY LAND!!!!! Yes, Disney Land! It was one of the best days of  my life. So naturally I have lots to say and show you! So lets get on with it!So here is day two!
Were in Disney Land!
Waiting for the train

How we like to wait in line
Some healthy planking
More planking

Picture with Pluto take 1-fail
Picture 2-a little beater

 We got stuck on the way to a ride by a parade and meet Grumpy literally who I guess has issues with people trying to cross when a parade is a minute away.

well here is the parade

The scream machine (monsters inc.)

Don't I look fabulous on a elephant
Not as fabulous

 Well that's that for today. And I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to look out for day 3!

-Bye or au revoir

Thursday, January 10, 2013

bonjour Paris! Day 1.

The past school break we went to... Paris!!! It was one of my favorite family trips yet! It was so nice not trying to rush from thing to thing but to slowly and peacefully enjoy each and every thing. although the price for food was almost as crazy as the driving/traffic it was very peaceful and we even saved a little money.
Because it was so exiting I couldn't put it all in one post so here is Day 1.:The Louvre, Notre dame and pizza-hut!
Luke and Dad at the Louvre

We made a quick stop at the apple store in the louvre...
... and me and Rebecca put our selves as the screen savers on almost everything

Me and Rebecca at Notre-dame

We didn't go on the metro but the sign looked cool :)

Pizza Hut, Yummy!
Well that's the end of today's tour but make sure to read about day 2 and 3!