Monday, June 24, 2013

Rebecca got her braces off!

This is what Rebecca looked like exactly one year, 5 months and 11 days ago, before she got a new look (braces)!
 Luckily for Rebecca, she looked awesome in braces! Yes, looked awesome but just a few days ago Rebecca went to the orthodontist and got them removed. So here is a picture of how Rebecca currently looks like.
Well that actually depends on when you are reading this because she might look like this by that time:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Patty's new garden

We finely have a garden! A real "Americaney" garden that has pumpkins, sunflowers, watermelon, cucumbers and wild flowers. Thanks to our wonderful grandparents who brought the seeds when they came to visit us.

My pumpkin.  You might notice that there is a rip in one of my leaves, that is because there was  a huge hail storm and a piece went right through my leaf. :( But it is slowly recovering.